Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rule # 1

Do Not Wear Your Wife's Pants To Work!
Donald leaves every morning at 530am to go to work. He leaves early to beat the traffic. With traffic his commute would be at least an hour and a half. If he leaves at this time it only takes him forty five minutes. He has a gym in his office so he works out and then showers there. It saves him a lot of time and aggravation. He is a morning person and wakes up before his alarm. Since he began this job in January he packs his clothes the night before so all he has to do is pretty much wake up and go.
This morning was just like every other, but when he went to get dressed he could not fit his leg in his pants. The reason why, you might ask?!?! They were not his pants, they were mine! I got a phone call at 830am. It was my wonderful husband just letting me know he would be working from home today! We had a great laugh over this one!!!
His work is right near a mall. He could have stopped in and bought some new pants, but I think he missed me and it was a great excuse to get home!


Mary said...

I can hear Donald laughing at this now! he he he

KG said...

Hahaha - he wimped out! Can you imagine if he had to go into a man's clothing store wearing women's pants? That would be the absolute BEST thing ever.

Don Mills Diva said...

That's hilarious - can you not post a picture of him wearing the pants?

kim-d said...

Okay. Lisa, this one is just TOO GOOD to pass up...


BWAHAHAHA...(just had to!!!)

YAY for getting an unexpected day together! :)

Mary said...

Ha! I love kim-d's comment!

Lizzy in the Burbs said...

Hi, Mary!

Well, thank goodness he didn't have some big meeting or something! HA! I bet he'll paying a little more attention the night before when he packs his bag from now on! The upside is you got to spend the day together, that's great!


OHmommy said...

THAT post is seriously the funniest thing I have read all week. LOL.

Kellan said...

Sounds like a great excuse to me - HA!

Have a great weekend - see you soon - Kellan

just jamie said...

Oh, I was hoping for a picture, too. :)

So funny.

Amy said...


You should let him in your pants more often! ha ha ha

Hmmmm .... now I am wondering who actually wears the pants in your family!

This was a good one!


kim-d said...

So, I trust the pants situation has been straightened out? To everyone's satisfaction? HAHAHA!

Hope you have a wonderful week, Lisa. I can't wait to see pix of your beautiful little angel with her new hair clips!

CC said...

Ha ha! did you get any pictures????

Ice Cream said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog =)

Just yesterday morning we couldn't figure out why my son's pants didn't fit him. Then I realized they were girls pants. We had a good laugh.

Abbie said...

How absolutely hilarious!!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I always look forward to having a new bloggy friend to read! :)

Jaime Cox said...

yeah.... that is good stuff:) everybody has already made the good comments, ie: who wears the pants/getting in your pants, etc. So I'm stuck with the lame comment but.... still, great post!

Zoe said...

ha! man those would have been great blackmail pics!